Dates Are Listed Below
8u… Monday 11/27/17… 6:00- 7:30pm
9u… Tuesday 11/28/17… 6:00- 7:30pm
10u… Thursday 11/30/17… 6:00- 7:30pm
11u… Thursday 11/30/17… 7:30- 9:00pm
12u… Tuesday 11/28/17… 7:30- 9:00pm
13u/14u… Monday 11/27/17… 7:30- 9:00pm
Tryouts will be conducted at
12 Wright Way
Oakland NJ
Your Player should be ready to tryout:
1. Dressed to play baseball (NO SHORTS)
(they should not wear a prior uniform jersey with player name)
2. Bring all of their equipment (Bat, Glove, Helmet, water, etc.)
3. Wear Sneakers, Plastic Cleats or Turf Shoes (no metal cleats)
4. Arrive at least 20 minutes prior to tryout time to check in, receive their number and stretch.
Players will be provided warm up time
Please make sure your player has water
Player Assessment Process
Assessments are run by an outside, independent organization.
Players are provided numbers to wear
Coaches are selected AFTER the team is selected.
The Tryout Process
For each individual Age group
Players will rotate through evaluation stations and
should be prepared to Hit, Throw, Catch, Run.
There will be Infield and Outfield drills.
There will be specialty position evaluation (Pitcher / Catcher)
Parents are not allowed on the field.
There are areas to watch the tryouts on the main level and second floor
We look forward to seeing you in November
If you have any additional questions, or do not receive a confirmation email within 48 hours
Feel free to email the 2018 Travel Director
John Zisa
[email protected]
Go Thunderbirds
Before you close this page - Visit our Volunteer Page
Mahwah Travel Baseball uses an outside, independent facility, and assessments for our selection process. This makes our program unique, and is similar to the selection process at most "Club" teams, except that in our program the coach does not select their team. Travel coaches are selected after the team is selected, and as a result they do not choose their players. Travel coaches are provided with their roster. Players may not be added by the coach. If you are interest in Coaching, please see the Travel Coach Application at the bottom of this page. Please see the full travel program overview on this page for additional details
Mahwah Travel Baseball Registration Information
The Mahwah travel baseball program is organized by Mahwah Youth Baseball, which is part of the Township of Mahwah Youth Sports Boosters (TMYSB). TMYSB and Mahwah Youth Baseball are all-volunteer groups that work with the township of Mahwah to provide an opportunity for youth residents to play baseball on local fields and facilities. Mahwah Youth Baseball is headed by a baseball commissioner who appoints a director to run the travel program. The organization follows the guidelines of the TMYSB.
The travel program assembles teams of Mahwah residents, by age, for the spring and summer seasons. These teams represent Mahwah against travel teams from other towns. The program has teams at the 8U, 9U, 10U, 11U, 12U, 13U and 14U age levels.
Since the travel teams compete against teams outside of Mahwah, competition tends to be stronger and parents should note the following obligations before committing to join a travel team:
1. The Mahwah travel baseball program is designed as a supplement to Mahwah Youth Baseball's spring recreation program for highly committed baseball players. Any child who wishes to play travel baseball must play in the Mahwah spring recreational league. Mahwah Rec leagues are very competitive and provide important "Reps" for travel players to augment their practices. The leagues do not conflict. Mahwah rec leagues play one or town games on a weekday, and one on Saturday AM. Mahwah Spring Rec leagues for 5,6,7,8th grades have historically played "intertown" and these ages are VERY competitive and provide an integrated complement to our Spring Travel Program. Travel Baseball plays on Sundays in the spring. Failure to attend recreation games could result in reduction in playing time on a Travel team and ultimately removal from the travel team.
2. There are two seasons for travel baseball. The spring league runs from early April through early June with one game generally played on Sunday afternoons. The spring league is used primarily as preparation for the summer league. For the summer league, which runs from early June to the end of July, two to three games are played a week. Travel practices are schedule by the travel coach, but typically occur Fridays, or Saturday afternoons.
3. Although it is expected that families will have other obligations and periodically take vacations, parents should consider that county/state/regional tournaments begin
in mid-July and can run through the end of the month. PARENT SHOULD CHECK WITH COACHES BEFORE PLANING VACATIONS
4. It is expected that any player on a travel team will attempt to make most, if not all, practices or games, and if he is unable to make a game or practice will supply advance notice his coach. Although coaches will determine distribution of playing time, it is common practice that playing time is influenced by a player’s attendance at practices and games.
5. If a player in the Mahwah travel program plans to play on another team not affiliated with Mahwah, such as a club team, it is expected he make the Mahwah team the priority. If that commitment can't be made, it's suggested he not try out for the travel program. Club players may play for Mahwah Rec with no restrictions.
6. Every age group may participate in a Memorial Day weekend or Fourth of July tournament. Please speak with your coach BEFORE Planning vacations
The Players selected for travel teams are chosen via a tryout in which a player’s skills are evaluated in the areas of hitting, fielding, throwing, and running.
Tryouts are being held in November of 2017 for the 2018 Season
To allow for a proper evaluation of each player’s skills, the travel program will hold tryouts at a local indoor facility and may conduct at least one outdoor session, weather permitting.
Age, Grade and Team: Because the age cutoff date spans multiple school grades, players must identify their Grade, DOB and Team they believe they would prefer to tryout for. (eg. 8U, 9U, 10U, 11U, 12U, 13U, or 14U ) for which they wish to be considered before the tryout. Your registration form includes the players DOB and Grade and Mahwah Youth Baseball reserves the right to assign your player to a team that may be player age eligible.
Mahwah Travel Baseball uses an outside, independent facility, and assessments for our selection process. This makes our program unique, and is similar to the selection process at most "Club" teams, except that in our program the coach does not select their team. Travel coaches are selected after the team is selected, and as a result they do not choose their players. Travel coaches are provided with their roster. Coaches may not add to that roster at any time.
Team rosters will be posted on the Mahwah Baseball Web site once the final decisions are made.
Parents are obligated to pay an additional travel registration fee if their child makes the travel team. The 2018 Travel Baseball costs are not finalized.
Prior season Registration Fess have run about $395-450 for the ENTIRE program.
2018 Season Program will include: (check the website for updated info)
1. Winter Workouts for 2018 (which will be held Sundays @ 12 Wright Way in Oakland)
2. Spring Season (typically 8 games, and possible playoffs)
3. Summer Season (typically 15 games, and possible playoffs)
Two Tournaments, as selected by the coach and Mahwah Travel Baseball.
There is no charge for trying out. In addition, each player is obligated to pay for their own personalized uniform, which will be arranged through the travel director and respective team head coaches. Costs for the uniforms in the past have been $120. Costs, however, are subject to change depending on current prices. Financial assistance can be provided needed. Payments will be collected after the teams are selected.
The Mahwah travel baseball program is organized by Mahwah Youth Baseball, which is part of the Township of Mahwah Youth Sports Boosters (TMYSB). TMYSB and Mahwah Youth Baseball are all-volunteer groups that work with the township of Mahwah to provide an opportunity for youth residents to play baseball on local fields and facilities. Mahwah Youth Baseball is headed by a baseball commissioner who appoints a director to run the travel program. The organization follows the guidelines of the TMYSB.
The travel program assembles teams of Mahwah residents, by age, for the spring and summer seasons. These teams represent Mahwah against travel teams from other towns. The program has teams at the 8U, 9U, 10U, 11U, 12U, 13U and 14U age levels.
Since the travel teams compete against teams outside of Mahwah, competition tends to be stronger and parents should note the following obligations before committing to join a travel team:
1. The Mahwah travel baseball program is designed as a supplement to Mahwah Youth Baseball's spring recreation program for highly committed baseball players. Any child who wishes to play travel baseball must play in the Mahwah spring recreational league. Mahwah Rec leagues are very competitive and provide important "Reps" for travel players to augment their practices. The leagues do not conflict. Mahwah rec leagues play one or town games on a weekday, and one on Saturday AM. Mahwah Spring Rec leagues for 5,6,7,8th grades have historically played "intertown" and these ages are VERY competitive and provide an integrated complement to our Spring Travel Program. Travel Baseball plays on Sundays in the spring. Failure to attend recreation games could result in reduction in playing time on a Travel team and ultimately removal from the travel team.
2. There are two seasons for travel baseball. The spring league runs from early April through early June with one game generally played on Sunday afternoons. The spring league is used primarily as preparation for the summer league. For the summer league, which runs from early June to the end of July, two to three games are played a week. Travel practices are schedule by the travel coach, but typically occur Fridays, or Saturday afternoons.
3. Although it is expected that families will have other obligations and periodically take vacations, parents should consider that county/state/regional tournaments begin
in mid-July and can run through the end of the month. PARENT SHOULD CHECK WITH COACHES BEFORE PLANING VACATIONS
4. It is expected that any player on a travel team will attempt to make most, if not all, practices or games, and if he is unable to make a game or practice will supply advance notice his coach. Although coaches will determine distribution of playing time, it is common practice that playing time is influenced by a player’s attendance at practices and games.
5. If a player in the Mahwah travel program plans to play on another team not affiliated with Mahwah, such as a club team, it is expected he make the Mahwah team the priority. If that commitment can't be made, it's suggested he not try out for the travel program. Club players may play for Mahwah Rec with no restrictions.
6. Every age group may participate in a Memorial Day weekend or Fourth of July tournament. Please speak with your coach BEFORE Planning vacations
The Players selected for travel teams are chosen via a tryout in which a player’s skills are evaluated in the areas of hitting, fielding, throwing, and running.
Tryouts are being held in November of 2017 for the 2018 Season
To allow for a proper evaluation of each player’s skills, the travel program will hold tryouts at a local indoor facility and may conduct at least one outdoor session, weather permitting.
Age, Grade and Team: Because the age cutoff date spans multiple school grades, players must identify their Grade, DOB and Team they believe they would prefer to tryout for. (eg. 8U, 9U, 10U, 11U, 12U, 13U, or 14U ) for which they wish to be considered before the tryout. Your registration form includes the players DOB and Grade and Mahwah Youth Baseball reserves the right to assign your player to a team that may be player age eligible.
Mahwah Travel Baseball uses an outside, independent facility, and assessments for our selection process. This makes our program unique, and is similar to the selection process at most "Club" teams, except that in our program the coach does not select their team. Travel coaches are selected after the team is selected, and as a result they do not choose their players. Travel coaches are provided with their roster. Coaches may not add to that roster at any time.
Team rosters will be posted on the Mahwah Baseball Web site once the final decisions are made.
Parents are obligated to pay an additional travel registration fee if their child makes the travel team. The 2018 Travel Baseball costs are not finalized.
Prior season Registration Fess have run about $395-450 for the ENTIRE program.
2018 Season Program will include: (check the website for updated info)
1. Winter Workouts for 2018 (which will be held Sundays @ 12 Wright Way in Oakland)
2. Spring Season (typically 8 games, and possible playoffs)
3. Summer Season (typically 15 games, and possible playoffs)
Two Tournaments, as selected by the coach and Mahwah Travel Baseball.
There is no charge for trying out. In addition, each player is obligated to pay for their own personalized uniform, which will be arranged through the travel director and respective team head coaches. Costs for the uniforms in the past have been $120. Costs, however, are subject to change depending on current prices. Financial assistance can be provided needed. Payments will be collected after the teams are selected.
Travel Baseball Contacts
Travel Coaches
Travel coaches are chosen after the travel teams are selected. Coaching a travel team in a prior year doesn't guarantee a coaching position in the current year. Individuals who wish to be considered must submit a travel coach application form to the baseball commissioner. The deadline for the 2018 season for submitting the coaches application is December 1st, 2017. Please email [email protected] (John Zisa) for a copy of the application and instructions on submitting the completed application. If more than one individual applies for a travel coach position, each applicant will be interviewed by a selection committee. This committee will consist of individuals determined by the baseball commissioner. The committee will have appropriate representation from the executive board of TMYSB. Upon conclusion of the interviews, the selection committee will choose the individual perceived to be the best overall coach, teacher, role model and leader of Mahwah’s youth for baseball. This selection will be made based on the findings in the interview and the coach’s evaluations from prior years, if available. Each head coach will then choose his or her own assistant coaches and submit those assistant coaches to the baseball commissioner for ratification.
Coaches application
Please Contact
John Zisa
[email protected]
For information about important dates, clinics and more, please refer to the Mahwah Youth Baseball Web site at www.mahwahyouthbaseball.org.